Introduction to the Loden Hill Pages

The world we live in is changing at a breakneck pace, society is in upheaval, and our environment is being transformed for the worse right before our eyes. Strangely, the energy for this change is the result of detrimental actions by those who would take us backwards in time.
This is the paradox of our current world, conservative-minded ideology, which longs for a lost time that never was, prevents our society from keeping pace with the change that is necessary to ensure evolution. As such, the human race becomes more insular in mindset, ignoring scientific knowledge that warns us of coming catastrophe, simply because a select few don’t want to acknowledge the changes we must make to avoid it.
The entire human race can not afford to be dragged backwards by a minority unable or unwilling to think critically, act out of moral responsibility, and take ownership of our own actions. There is no more time to waste being polite about this, and no more kicking the proverbial can down the road. Those who are willing to fight for good must commit to it now, and those who mean to do harm out of a sense of greed, blind ideology, or willful ignorance must move aside, because whether they like it or not, we are going forward.
This blog and webpage will be dedicated to exploring the truth about our world problems and seeking answers to them without prejudice, guided only by scientific facts and the strength of verifiable knowledge.
Join me in the Loden Hill Pages for the beginning of a journey to the end of civilization! (Which seems to be drawing closer every day.)

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